We headed off to Disneyland for our June adventure. We drove, instead of flying, due to Joe's troubles with flying. Unfortunately, car rides aren't much better. Joe was extremely sick after we arrived. We had scheduled a dinner for Joe to meet Chad (the only other person we know of with appendix cancer). Joe wasn't able to make it, but the rest of us did get to meet Chad, his daughter Parker and his Mom, Cheri. It was so great to meet them and share stories. Chad is 32 years old and has similar issues to Joe. He has an amazing attitude and we continue to keep him in our prayers.
Cheri, Chad and Sherrie |
The next day, Joe was determined to ride the Cars ride with Edison, so we all headed off to California Adventure. Our friends, Disney Dave and Lauri met us there. Joe immediately got sick as soon as we arrived at the park. While he was in the bathroom, the family headed to the ride to get in line and I headed to the First Aid/Chamber of Commerce area to find rest/hydration areas for Joe. They went over and above and gave us a special pass so Joe could do some things with his Grandkids and not spend all his time waiting in line. They said "We just want you to have a wonderful time while you are here". It was truly Magic. Joe rode some rides with Edison and Quinn, he rested, watched the parade and headed back to Anna's house. Without the assistance of Disneyland, he would have never been able to do those things. I just can't thank them enough. We were able to do in a few hours, what would have taken us the entire day. It was hard on Joe, but so worth it. The smiles on everyone's faces just says it all. Special thanks to Anna for letting us stay with her and making everything so comfortable for all of us. Special thanks to Chris Smith for giving us some passes and special thanks to Disneyland for letting all of us have this amazing time. We made memories we will treasure forever.
The whole family with Mater |
Papa and Quinn |
Edison meets his hero, Lightning McQueen |
The Cars Ride - A Memory we will treasure forever! |
The Whole Family
They crashed after the "Best Day Ever!"
It took us 9 1/2 hours to get home (a normal 6 hour drive) and Joe was not doing well. We headed back to the Dr. and they immediately began the IV's. They ran some tests and again he was very close to being hospitalized. In addition, they had postponed chemo for a week so we could go to Disneyland, so he had to get chemo. Altogether, through it all, he lost another 10 lbs. We have cancelled all travel plans and are now focusing on getting weight back on Joe and keeping him hydrated. It looks like the tests will be approved and we are now just waiting for scheduling in Tucson for all of Joe's tests to find out what the cancer is and hopefully, is not, doing. I will post as soon as we learn more.
Joe had a relaxing Father's Day with the whole family and is so appreciative of each and every day. Although the vacations were very difficult for him, they were memories we will always treasure. In Joe's words "It was all worth it". Now it's time to recover!