Joe's Game Plan has been set up to keep everyone informed on Joe's battle with cancer. We want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers. Check back often for updates and feel free to leave comments of love and support.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

He's Home!!

Joe is home from the hospital and doing well. Just being home really lifted his spirits. We had a wonderful evening with family and friends watching Elf and Rudolf, while the girls baked brownies. Edison just kept saying "Papa has a boo-boo". Normalcy is a wonderful thing. Joe is slowly starting to eat. We need to get some weight on him since he's already lost 10 lbs (must be the fact he's had to cut the licorice and Mountain Dew from his breakfast!) He had 27 staples removed from his stomach, which makes things nice for him too.

Next week starts the series of Dr. appts beginning Monday through Friday. They continue to run tests to find the source of the cancer and to find every place it may have spread. Once he heals from the surgery, he will have the last 2 tests required to figure out his chemo treatment. They expect to perform the endoscopy and colonoscopy right after Christmas and chemo to start shortly after that.

In the meantime, we are researching, talking to people and reading. Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions. We haven't got to all of the, but we will eventually! Our support group is the best in the world and we can't thank you enough. We feel the power of prayer each day and it's a wonderful feeling. Watching Joe get stronger each day is a testimonial to your prayers. Keep them coming!!

Love to All,
Sherrie & Joe


  1. Oh that's such great news! Joe, you are so strong and with such a supportive wonderful family the road ahead will be easier. Positive thoughts and prayer can heal. We send you these every day. Keep on focusing on the positive and stay on your "game plan". All things are possible!! You're in our prayers, Susan and Rich

  2. We're so glad that Joe is home and able to spend some quality time with family. Having the support and love of your family will make him stronger both physically and mentally. He'll be able to conquer anything. You are all in our prayers. Love,
    Mike and Kathy

  3. Yay!!!! I am so glad that Joe is home and you can have a bit of normalcy! Erin and I continue to keep you in our prayers. Joe's amazing attitude and the fact that he is home and doing better every day is a testament to what prayer and a positive attitude can do for you. Love you all!! Cheryl
