Joe's Game Plan has been set up to keep everyone informed on Joe's battle with cancer. We want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers. Check back often for updates and feel free to leave comments of love and support.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

MRI Results

We met with Dr. Ong and another Dr. today at UMC.  They were very excited about the results of the MRI.  They stated that the avastin Joe is receiving is working and he will continue to receive these treatments indefinitely.  It had stopped the cancer from spreading.  They proceeded to tell us that Joe still has numerous tumors - some large, some small and some have disappeared since the last MRI. He does still have tumors in his intestine, stomach region and some on his liver.  Despite that, they were very excited.  Joe and I had to absorb what was actually being said and then Dr. Ong reminded us that Joe will never be cured.  The best we can hope for is the cancer will be held at bay, which is what is happening right now. 

We then discussed Joe's bowel issues.  The part of the intestine that does the absorption was removed due to the cancer.  It was the hope that the part that remained would pick up that responsibility.  Unfortunately, that has not happened.  Dr. Ong explained that it may never happen or it could kick in tomorrow.  No one knows.  Until then, he keeps adjusting the meds, hoping that something will kick it into gear.  If not, Dr. Ong stated Joe should learn how to live with his new normal.  We explained that he is and we are learning how to live life and plan accordingly.

As we wrapped up the appointment, Dr. Ong reminded us to live each day to the fullest, keep the smiles on our face and keep fighting the fight. The 2nd doctor commented how amazed he was by Joe's results and how well Joe looks.  We explained to him about our support group and how amazing it is.  We know in our hearts it is the power of prayer and support that has got us this far and will keep us going.

With all our thanks, love and gratitude,
Joe and Sherrie



  1. That is great news! A friend of mine's husband has been living with a brain tumor that is also incurable. He also has been on Avastin since before it was even approved for use for him. They have learned to love the results "no change" and it has kept them going - for TWELVE years. Keep the faith!


  2. Praise God!!! Continuing to keep you in our prayers and praises!

    Pennell Family

  3. Joe: Keep on keeping on. My thoughts and prayers are with you also as I am a colon cancer survivor since 2006. Because of my age at the time of 56 yrs old and genetic testing proving I have muir torre syndrome the only long term cure was a total colectomy (the entire large colon taken out)in 2006. I now have a j-pouch (reconnected the end of the small intestine to my anus muscle)and have to stay on a low residue diet rest of my life. My colorectal doctor Venkatesh put me on anti-biotic Cipro which has a shadow effect of calming my j-pouch if it gets spasmotic. I was stage 3 t-2 lypmph nodes malignancy. You are doing great and keep the attitude. Blessings. Dennis Riswold
