Joe's Game Plan has been set up to keep everyone informed on Joe's battle with cancer. We want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers. Check back often for updates and feel free to leave comments of love and support.

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

We had a wonderful day with Family and Friends.  Joe did really well through church, dinner and the Easter egg hunt.  The perfect day (even with his usual bowel attacks).

His last Dr. appointment was really good as well.  Dr. S. told us his cancer count is stable, which is one indication that it is not spreading.  He can't be sure what is going on, but it is a good indication things are not getting worse.  It seems the prayers and the Avastin continue to work.  Dr. S. said we all need to continue doing what we are doing - that means we need the prayers to continue and Joe to continue with the Avastin treatment.  They plan on doing more detail tests towards the end of April.  That will give us a better idea of everything that is happening.  In the meantime, we thank God for this wonderful news.

On the not as good news, Joe's bowels are worse than ever.  His "attacks" are occurring more frequently and he has also been getting nauseous with them.  He never sleeps through the night and we have to cancel plans continuously due to these bowel attacks.  We are learning to adjust though and just so grateful for any good periods of time we have.  The Dr.'s are trying different things to try and get Joe some relief.  He'll be going in for additional IV fluids each week to make sure he stays hydrated and to try and give his bowels a rest.

Our good friend Joe Bates is fighting his cancer with everything he has.  We ask that you continue to keep him in your prayers.  Joe and Joe talk continuously and it's so great that they have each other.  The picture below is from the picnic they had for Joe Bates.  It was so moving and we are so thankful to have the Bate's family in our lives.

We hope you and your families had a wonderful Easter season.  He Has Risen!

The Kahlers

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe and family,

    I think of you often and pray for you always!

    Your friend,

    Karen Guiliani Phillips
