Joe's Game Plan has been set up to keep everyone informed on Joe's battle with cancer. We want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers. Check back often for updates and feel free to leave comments of love and support.

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Getting Better

Joe is still in the hospital, but getting better each day.  They found another infection from the culture after they removed the port.  They said it was one of the worst "bugs" there is and could be "deadly".  We are so fortunate that Dr. S is on his game.  He wasted no time getting Joe to the hospital, getting him started on antibiotics and getting the port out.  It saved his life.  They started Joe on a 2nd antibiotic which is working great against this nasty bug.  Joe is improving a little each day.  The new plan is to get him home with daily home health care (2 nurses per day).  One will administer the antibiotics (different than normal) and the other for wound care (the hole in his chest has to heal inside out because of the infection).  He has two temporary lines in the inside of his upper arm for TPN and drugs.  They will be watching that very close as well.  I will continue administering TPN and other nursing necessities.  I'll just be so glad to get him back to our last, new normal.  When things like this happen, you appreciate the level you were previously at, because as we are learning, it can always get worse.  If everything goes to plan (knock on wood), he will be back in the hospital to have a new port put in on his left side within the month.

Dr. S has been doing so much research on Joe's disease and working with other Dr's throughout the country on Joe's behalf.  He was so excited to tell us about different things Joe can try to fight this awful disease.  Once we get this infection taken care of, Joe will continue the fight with a biological drug.  More to follow on that subject, but we literally broke down in tears when we saw the excitement in Dr. S's eyes.  It's a long shot, but it's a shot and in typical Joe fashion, he's ready to continue the fight.  He's amazing. 

As always, it's our support team that keeps us going so thank you all so very much.  We love you all more than we can even express.

The Kahlers


  1. Continuing to praise God for Joe's resilience and the latest news from the Dr. Praying that the bug is killed and Joe keeps getting better! Our best to you, Joe and Sherrie, and your family.
    The Pennell family

    1. Nemo enim pugnat sola constare. (No one fights alone, we stand together.)
