Joe's Game Plan has been set up to keep everyone informed on Joe's battle with cancer. We want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers. Check back often for updates and feel free to leave comments of love and support.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tough Week ---- Again

Sorry to report, but Joe has had a very difficult week.  His vomiting and nausea are out of control.  He stopped eating/drinking his clears, stopped taking walks and basically was confined to the couch, bed and bathroom.  It was a mental drain on him (and me) as well.  His biggest fear is ending back up in the hospital, so we "toughed it out" this weekend.  We called first thing Monday morning and got him in to the doctor's office.  Dr. S took control and started him on a new regiment of fluids filled with all the goodies his body is lacking. The special fluids take 3-4 hours and Joe will have it daily for awhile.  He already had signs of improvement after the first treatment.  Joe, being Joe, also did not refuse his chemo treatment today.  He had that, along with his new fluids and we are watching his every move very close.  Dr. S does feel like it is a result of the chemo and not the cancer that is causing all of this.  We all feel like it is worth it, because we are hopeful it is working.  We should know sometime in December if that is the case. 

While Joe and I were feeling down, we had a package delivered to our house from Afghanistan.  It was from our friend Doug Cave who is currently working there.  We opened the box and it was an American Flag that they flew over his base and a Challenge Coin from his unit, the Security Forces Assistance Team.  The inscription that came with the package read "Know ye that this flag was flown in the face of the enemy, on the frontier of the free world...a beacon of American resolve following the attacks of September 11, 2001, bearing witness to the destruction of terrorist forces threatening the freedom of the United States of America and the World.  Operation Enduring Freedom Presented by Doug Cave Especially for the Kahler Family."  We were moved to tears. It came at such an important time, when we were feeling down because of Joe's issues and because our nephew Mark,  left this week to join the Navy for Officer Candidate School (although we are so proud of him!).  We were so touched by this amazing gift and reminded to please pray for all those fighting for our freedom.  XOXO Sherrie & Joe

Our Flag - Doug is 2nd from left back row (smiling)


  1. We are amazed and blessed by your perseverance, and pray for your continued strength to meet the challenges you face daily. All things are possible through Christ who strengthens us. You undoubtedly are living that verse every day. Our love and prayers to you, unceasingly.

    Pennell Family

  2. Joe and Family, You are all in our thoughts and prayers. What a brave and loving family you all are. If their is any way we can help, let us know.

  3. as a friend of your friend -- I have followed your journey. My heart is with you all; my prayers are, too. Thankful for your perspective, shared so transparently. I have much that I take for granted, and so many reasons to count my blessings. May you have a special time with your family, and make some special-to-your-heart memories. Sending you love, and wrapping you in prayer. KW
