Joe's Game Plan has been set up to keep everyone informed on Joe's battle with cancer. We want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers. Check back often for updates and feel free to leave comments of love and support.

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Thursday, May 1, 2014


Family and friends,

I am honored to once again have the opportunity to write on Joe's Game Plan with Sherrie's permission.

Sherrie is a wonderful woman and has proven to be very strong in her ability to keep all of us informed during these very difficult months.  I can only try my best to imagine how difficult it is for her, yet one thing I can tell for certain is in the past few months each posting by her is increasingly difficult to write.  Let's try to help her out.

I know you have sent in cards and letters to the Kahler family expressing your love and support, which has been so important, as it has given them strength.  Some of your stories have given the family a few timely laughs, much needed and much appreciated.  Many of you shared your stories of Joe from yesteryear in person at one of the gatherings over the past several months.  There were the joyful high school and college reunions, the fun charity golf tournament and lunch, and there was the wonderful Daddy/ Daughter dance.  While many great "Joe" stories were exchanged during these get-togethers, not everyone who follows this site got to hear them or join in.  So here is an idea.

For Joe's birthday, which is Sunday May 4th, let’s flood this blog site with birthday wishes.  Send your birthday wishes here for others to see and please share your "Joe" stories with each other while entertaining the Kahler family and all of us as well. If not registered to the blog or one of the log-ins, simply enter through the anonymous button.  You can sign your name at the end of your story or stay anonymous.  I realize many of you have already put a birthday card in the mail, while others may not have seen this post before May 4th, it doesn't matter.    Make your story long; make it short, but please share one or more of your favorite Joe Kahler stories here for all of us to read, as we can further share this time together and give a little gift of ourselves back to the Kahlers.
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE, we love you!

Let the stories begin.

Here is my story.

 R. G. Neilson



The smell of the green grass was never sweeter than that of the rectangular, white lined field, of five-yard intervals. Nothing compares to the smell and taste of that fresh-cut grass on an autumn night under the bright stadium lights with the cheering, Spirited crowd at our backs.

Wounded the week before, unable to practice during the week, dressed in full uniform but unable to play, the touchdown maker watched and impatiently paced along the sideline.  A separated shoulder can be painful at best, and fully debilitating for a football player.  The impact from the many collisions an all-star running back encounters in the normal progression of one game would only worsen the injury and delay full recovery.  Full rest and abstinence from this game was the coachs prudent decision.  The game must be played without the touchdown maker.

Morro Bay, I believe it was.  We had gone there the year before.  This crisp and chilly October night it was us and them once again in the swirl of the high desert winds. Nearing the end of the first half things had gone well for the team wearing the scarlet and gold uniforms.  Seconds left before the halftime break.  Thirty some yards from our destination.  Timeout.  A trot to the sideline.  Quick conversation with the head coach.  “Run the circle route; 24 circle pass”.  With one wave of the coachs hand #24 joined me on the trot back to the huddle.

One pass

One catch

One play

One touchdown

 That night of the glorious autumn of 1975 #24 the touchdown maker in one play once again led his team to victory.

 R. G. Neilson


  1. Hey Joe!!! Happy Birthday on Sunday!! Hope you have an awesome time with family and friends for your day. All the best! Martin, Kim and Troy Ruggiero

  2. Happy Birthday Joe! I hope your day is as awesome as you are, with your friends and family! I remember you from my WC days... Fear the Poets!

    Patti G

  3. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday .. You have been an inspiration to so many as you endure this journey . I hope you enjoy your special day with all your loved ones .. May peace be with you ...M.&C. O. ( wc)

  4. Happy Birthday Joe! I know your day will be filled with love and happiness. I think of you everyday wishing you and your family peace and strength.


  5. Happy Birthday, Joe! :) Wishing you a wonderful day with your family and friends. God Bless you all.

    ~ Erin B

  6. May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
    may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    traditional gaelic blessing

    Love you, Joe-Happy Birthday!
    The Harringtons

  7. Happy Birthday, Joe! I have a boost for you. Your life epitomizes the true ideas and principles of what it means to be an Orthogonian. Yours is a life to be emulated. I am humbled to call you brother.

  8. Part 1 of 2 from Mark Bozigian

    Thank you Ron for your friendship and support of Joe, Sherrie, and their family. Your story brings back great memories of Paraclete football Friday and Saturday nights. As an aside, it is so well written, it is reminiscent of Grantland Rice (Paraclete education, baby!).
    Happy birthday Joe; we all love you.
    I have known Joe all of my life so my stories are more a flood of memories of my time with a truly great man and friend, Joe Kahler. Some of the memories won’t mean much or be understood by everyone, but do mean something to Joe and those we shared our life and times with. Joe, this is for you. Here goes:
    Grade school: memories of Joe riding his bike to Sacred Heart School in the bitter cold of winter, wearing the ugliest ski masks ever to protect his face; playing over- the-line literally every day of the summer and making Joe bat left-handed because he was that much better than the rest of us; sleepovers and trying to stay up all night; riding Sting Ray bikes; baseball cards; fishing at Apollo Park; Putt-Putt Golf Course; slot car racing at the hobby shop; Dodge ball (a very cruel and humiliating game for some of us, but not Joe!); Flag football and boy’s softball at Sacred Heart (of course Joe led us to victory, while Slavin and I tried to take the credit!); christening an abandoned trailer in the desert next to school “the good ship lollypop” (our school didn’t have much money so, believe it or not, the nuns let us play in the trash of the adjacent vacant lots and called that recess!); discovering girls sometime around 6th grade (actually that was Joe because the rest of us were just too scared to talk to them); Sister Agnes Jean; the excitement of graduation and graduation parties and actually slow-dancing with girls (with the nuns supervising, of course); looking forward to Paraclete.
    High School: Paraclete haze week - humiliation by the seniors and realizing we had a lot to learn; dances; making new friends; sleepovers still (and one night singing the horrible Charley Rich song “The Most Beautiful Girl” for about 5 straight hours); helping Joe housesit a beautiful home (and still being amazed to this day that anyone would entrust their house, fully stocked mind you, to a bunch of 15 and 16 year old boys!); drivers training; drivers license!; drive-in movies; love and heartbreak (multiple times); football games (Joe being the best running back in the valley but Billy Hillicker getting the player of the year award because he was from a bigger school); Joe’s friends taking it out on the family of the local columnist who wrongly picked Billy over Joe; Joe low-bridging Billy in a summer league basketball game (claiming it was accidental-now way!); 100 McDonalds Quarter Pounders; the Rowdies!!!; Mickey’s Big Mouth Beer; Slow Gin; Hammy the Hamster; the Carrol sisters; ditto jeans (still waiting for these to make a comeback, especially in lime green!); bell bottoms and perms (except for Joe); Elton John; Joe having a freakish addiction to oldies on K-Earth 101 (think Leslie Gore and “It’s my Party” while the rest of the world was listening to Led Zeppelin); Hotel parties under assumed names (Joe Massen, the young Baptist, was the one that finally got us in trouble); Fr. Creama; Grad Night; the pain and sadness of graduation and thinking we would never have it this good again (except Joe, who always had a plan and even then knew that the best years were ahead of us all); things we can’t talk about.

  9. Part 2 of 2 from Mark Bozigian

    Adulthood: (spanning decades so just a few highlights); going to Vegas on the way to Joe and Sherrie’s wedding; arriving in Phoenix at 10 pm a couple nights before the wedding when it was still 109 degrees (how do some of you people live there?!); a great party before the wedding and paying for it the wedding day; an absolutely gorgeous wedding!; watching Joe become an Arizonan (and abandoning all allegiance to California sports teams); visiting Joe and Sherrie several times in AZ throughout the years – I remember always being welcome and amazed at what a wonderful relationship Joe and Sherrie had, and how family and friends and sports were central to them and provided a richness to their lives – Karen and I and our family have this same richness and I know part of that is because of Joe and his example as a husband and father; as we each had children and they grew up, it was great that our conversations turned from what we were doing to what our kids were doing – we also had a milestone of sorts in that, for the first time in history, a Bozigian beat a Kahler in an athletic event (OK, it was just ping pong but Sean does beat Shelli on occasion and a victory is a victory!); organizing Paraclete reunions with Joe; going with Joe and Sherrie to the NFC championship game and watching the Cardinals actually win and go to the Super Bowl – Sherrie was a wonderful host and took care of virtually everything. Joe’s only job was to make sure there was enough beer, a job he did exceedingly well as we were never more than 10 feet away from a Coors Light the entire weekend; hosting Joe and Sherrie and Norm in the A.V. for Paraclete’s 50th Anniversary celebration; Arizona Diamondbacks; Arizona Cardinals; ASU Sun devils; NAU (Go Jacks!); Tiki Bar with wings and Coors Light; the enduring gift of remaining good friends despite distance, time, and everything else life throws at us.
    The Here and Now: like many of Joe and Sherrie’s friends, I have struggled with my feelings as Joe has fought his fight over the past couple of years. We have all probably experienced anger, sadness, frustration, hope, and persistence. I wish Joe never had to fight this fight. But we have also had the opportunity to let Joe and Sherrie know how much we love them, without holding back. Joe has had the opportunity to let his family and friends know how much he loves them. Joe has had the opportunity to walk with the Lord for two years through his difficult journey, and get even closer to Christ. Many have had the blessing of spending time with Joe over the last two years, a blessing I will cherish forever. Joe and Sherrie and the girls shared their lives with all of us at the Daddy Daughter Dance, and in turn experienced firsthand the number of lives Joe has touched. There are blessings even in sorrowful times.

    21 years ago, Jim Valvano, while he was battling cancer, delivered a very famous speech, concluding with the following: “Cancer can take away all my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever.” Those were just words to me until seeing Joe’s bravery over the last two plus years.
    Happy Birthday Joe, there will never be another one like you! I love you buddy.

  10. Well spoken Mark,Ron
    I know I can speak for all of those who watched "joltin joe" run up and over,through and around the other team those were magical Friday nights for sure! My story is not as exciting but clearly shows the Strength,character,leadership,Example shown to others Joe always "Seemed to Get up" "lead" "Motivate" and most of all be a kind christian witness to underclassman..Coach Norm Kahler once told the reason for Joe Being Joe is "No matter how hard he gets hit,He gets up",after striking out he sprints to to second base to play Defense,I was very blessed to have been around Joe my first two years at Paraclete.. Here is my story

    "Phases","Just play catch"
    As Sophomore on the baseball team with Joe I had the distinct privilege of observing and learning how to conduct ones self in the field of Athletic competition,and as We now know The lessons Joe has proffered are valuable daily lessons on living...

    Phases you see was a way of beginning baseball practice under Coach Kahler (Norm) not sure if is was cruelty created by him,or something He picked up at Whittier College,,Nevertheless As practice began "phases was shouted out" and the fun was on! phases was a do it right kind of thing one we all did until WE got it right... I was amazed at Joe's Stamina,perfection,conditioning,and more importantly his willingness to inspire,lead ,counsel,and smile through all this adversity all the while bearing the brunt of a loving brother ,(Norm) who demanded alot out of kid brother ..just saying :)It was truly a magic time and a wonderful experience one that was never replicated in 4yrs of college baseball and 4yrs as a professional... It was a gift to be part of that ! As that season went along I got to learn and observe I spent alot of time on the Bench next to coach Kahler He always pointed out why His brother was a great one... it wasn't for all the success because its easy to live or smile while on top but its how you handle adversity ,you turn a crucial double play,after striking out,or get a key hit after you boot a ball...this was The Joe I was honored to be around..I learned alot from you Joe! As that season progressed and for circumstances I don't remember I was placed into the game vs Pater Noster to get the final outs.I was so nervous..I was as we say in sport 'Choking" I remember Coach giving me the ball and saying something with the term "meat" in it.. I was so nervous and bounced the first three pitches into the catcher.. that was the warm tosses!!!Joe showed up on the mound bouncy ,calm and said your the man just play catch with Scott ... He then bounded back to second and gave me a thumbs up and a wink...We got the outs and I will never forget that 1976.As my playing days progressed I told my self I would try my best every day thank you for teaching me that concept Joe your are truly one of a kind.....Happy Birthday Joe ! You are in my prayers daily I know god has a special plan for you and your beautiful family God Bless
    Bill Pettigrew

  11. Happy birthday Joe! Mike and I love you and your family so much. You are one amazing man. You have been a great friend and mentor to so many people. We're not sure where you found the time to do it all, but you did. If we had to nail down some of our favorite times with you it would be as follows:

    Remember the time that you, Sherrie, Mike and I went skiing at Snow Bowl? I signed up for ski lessons and was doing great on the bunny hill. You all convinced me that I was doing so well that I was ready to go up to the "mid-way" point. Well your idea of mid-way and my idea are TOTALLY different. I got up to the top, went down an extremely steep hill, fell or shall I say tumbled head over heels, twisted my knee and was out for the rest of the day. Oh, and remember that the guy who came to rescue me couldn't get the snow mobile up to where I was because the mountain was too steep (mid-way?) so I had to scoot down to him. Then as we're flying down the mountain the guy driving the snow mobile is going about 60 miles an hour yelling "Ski patrol!! Everyone get out of the way!!!" and I'm almost flying off the back every time he hits a bump. We got down to the bottom of the hill, he turns around and says, "Are you okay?”, “I didn't have any brakes!". I could have been a goner! Again, I ask, mid-way? That was the top! But it definitely left a lasting impression in my mind. I now know that I am not meant for the ski “slopes”, but for the ski “lodge”.

    On that same trip we all shared a hotel room at the little lodge that sits on the left side of the main highway right before you head up to the ski lodge. It was freezing cold that night, but you and Mike thought that it would be a great idea to go outside in your underwear and dance around in the snow. Sherrie and I were laughing so hard, but we made sure we got a photo for posterity's sake.

    Then there were the football games. Mike and I bought season tickets near you, Sherrie and some other friends at the ASU football games. We'd stop at Fat Tuesdays before the games for some food and drink. Unfortunately, I don't remember the first half of most games. I don't usually drink, so one or two of those drinks would make me tipsy for a couple of hours. All I remember is having to hold on to the belt loops of Mike's pants so that he could lead me to the game, sit with my head on his shoulder for the first half and then finally awakening from my stupor to finish watching the second half of the game.

    We also had a great time the time that you and Sherrie decided to join us for our annual Memorial Day camping trip. We stayed at Fort Tuthill campground in Flagstaff and it was so cold that it snowed. I think that scared you off from ever camping with us again. Still, we had a wonderful time together.

    We also remember the wonderful times we had playing cards. We love to teach people new card games and you were always willing to learn.

    We will always love you and are proud to call you friend. You are one of a kind.

    Mike and Kathy Campbell

  12. Happy Birthday Joe

  13. Happy Birthday Joe! Just would like to thank you for bringing your amazing daughter Amanda into the Smith family life, as she holds a special place in our hearts as does the whole Kahler family. Love and prayers always sent your way. Linda and Scot

  14. Best Birthday Party Ever!!!!

    Back in 1998, Teresa and I and 20 of Joe's closest friends had the pleasure of celebrating Joe's 40th Birthday in Las Vegas.........

    Sherrie had it all planned out, she had T-shirts made for all of us that said "JOE's 40" and Joe's T-shirt said "I'M JOE"... Joe originally thought he was spending the weekend with only Sherrie for his birthday, but all 20 of us surprised Joe at the airport! From that moment until we returned back to Phoenix, it was the best birthday that we have ever celebrated. On the plane everyone sang happy birthday to Joe. Once we got to the strip the fun never stopped.... People would come up to Joe and offer to buy drinks or just say happy birthday. Lots of quotes like - My name is Joe, I have a brother Joe, I'm 40 too... We made a trip downtown and were walking when a ambulance passed us and the driver started singing happy birthday to Joe over the loud speaker. We went to a comedy club and afterwards met with one of the comedians and he said "Damn, I never thought I would find Joe, it was like looking for "F-ing" Waldo" and here you are...

    We will never forget that wonderful weekend... Happy Birthday and we love you Joe..

    Teresa, Dave, Brittany and Ashleigh Bauer...

  15. Happy Birthday Joe,

    We have been looking through our wedding album today, and we came across a photo of you in 2005, looking somewhat dashing wearing a Kilt. Graham says you look like a 'Jock in a frock!'
    Underneath the photo, is written, in big black ink, the words 'My dad is a stud', so which one of your daughters do you think is responsible? We have our money on Amanda! Whoever it may be, we agree, you do pull of the Scotsman look very well!

    Thinking of you today and always, All our love Liz, Graham and everyone else from England xxxx

  16. Joe,
    I pray that God provides you some relief today to enjoy your family on this very special day. I have only known you and Sherrie for about ...gosh, I believe we met in 1995 or 1996 at the latest after I transferred up to Tempe from Tucson and Sherrie and I shared an office over at Engines. So can't believe it has been 18 or 19 years? I have enjoyed reading the stories posted of your antics growing up. But my memories of you and Sherrie hosting parties when Shelli was but a young lass (I can't believe she is 20 years old!) always bring a smile to my face.

    You both open your home and hearts for people in a generous loving way. Always helping others to be comfortable. You always watching out for your beautiful bride to help her with cookie exchanges, gift exchanges, meeting us post golf for beers.

    The relationship you two convey in so many small wonderful ways is awe inspiring. We are all blessed for having seen your family interact and grow, as well as reaping the benefits of your generosity over the years. I have recently gotten engaged to a wonderful man named Doug. He and I pray together for you and your family often.

    God bless you on your 56th birthday.

    Love, Madeleine Kraman and Doug McDonald

  17. Happy Birthday Joe! I do not have a "Joe story" to share, but I would like to say that I has been a great joy for me to work with and lend support to Amanda. She is a truly amazing person and I thank God for the opportunity to have a small glimpse into your beautiful family. The quip about the "apple not falling too far from the tree" comes to mind. Again, Happy Birthday!

  18. Happy Birthday, Joe! I'm sure you're getting tired of hearing this (don't let it go to your head!), but you are, without doubt, the bravest, most determined, strongest and happiest person I know.

    I will never forget you and Sherrie being there for me when I was RIF'd at Honeywell. I believe I was the last one of the day, which made it really convenient for us to head straight to Teakwoods! The last thing I wanted to do was go home and sit and feel sorry for myself, so you and Sherrie offering to take me out was the exact thing I needed. The two of you didn't know it at the time, but I'd had a really hard couple of months and losing my job was the proverbial last straw. By the end of the evening, I was optimistic that things would work out and I had a new perspective. I owe that to you. But perhaps the most astounding "Joe story" that I can think of was one that happened just this past fall. In an email, I told you that my mother was undergoing treatment for cancer and that I wished she had one ounce of your fighting spirit. I saw what she was going through and kept thinking how she needed to be more like you. I'll never forget your response - you offered to talk to my mom and help her understand that she wasn't going through it alone and that she had the fight in her. It still amazes me that you offered this while in the midst of the fight of YOUR life. THAT is "classic" Joe Kahler for you!

    I wish you the happiest of birthdays and I hope the whole family has a blast spoiling you!

    Jen Patterson

  19. Brother Joe: I am certain that I will never meet a man who has been blessed with as many gifts as you have been blesses with. Your wife Sherrie is definately a gift from God straight to you. Your children, family friends, supporters have given their 100 to support you. You truly are the "luckiest man in the world". I will never forget crawling in the dirt when I met Norm for the first time. He told us you were coming to WC the next year. We promised that we would put you through. I'm glad that we did and that we became Brothers. I will never forget the show you put on Final Night. I love you Brother Joe. I've never been prouder than when I call you "Brother".
    Brother Jim Pendleton ((It's a plum)

  20. Happy Birthday Joe! We don't have a Joe story, as we have only met you once. I work with Sherrie and have been following your journey through this blog. We are truly amazed by the strength and faith of the Kahler Family.

    Happy Birthday
    Sheri Rees and Paul Salamone

  21. Hey Joe...well these birthday wishes are a day late, but go ahead and celebrate your Birthday Month, like I do! Jeff and I keep you in our prayers and pray for the miracle that'll return you to good health! Jeff would write to too, but he hates computers. I'm sure he'd write about the good ol' days of baseball and football. We hope your birthday was pleasant and filled with the love that we all have for you!

    Your Spirited friends,
    Jeff and Janet Bower

  22. I just received this note today, Monday May 5th, but last night I mentioned to my husband that I remembered it was your birthday. I haven't seen or spoken to you or any Paracleter's since 1986. Somehow, you were the one person that was always nice, kind and of course funny to those of us who were not seen as the popular kids. I was always grateful to you for your generosity and for being able to make me laugh.

    I send you incredible wishes for happiness, love and time. You are one of the few truly deserving in peace and miracles. I for one, will always think of you fondly.

  23. Happy Birthday Joe! It was great connecting with you a few years back around your book. Like others who have posted here, I remember you as a kind and caring person to all those around you. You were great for giving people encouragement. May you find peace and healing in the days to come.

    Geralyn Hoxsey Sparough

  24. May The Lord bless you today with a day full of great memories that will never be forgotten. Speaking about never being forgotten, one of my memories of Joe is from college. During the Spring the girls played "touch" football. Sherrie and I were in the same society and Joe agreed to coach us. He was so patient with us. He taught us great plays and we tried to make him proud. However, their were times we would change the play ( without Joe knowing) because one of the girls on the other team had made one of us mad. Then we would have a play that would allow us just to get that girl. We had a great time and Joe gave up time for us when I'm sure he had better things to do. My husband just me Joe and Sherrie more recently at our class reunion. They both made my husband feel very comfortable. He was impressed at how genuinely kind they were to him. God bless you, Sonny & Cindy Johnson

  25. Hi Joe,
    In usual McDaniel style we are late getting your birthday message to you. We were so honored to spend your birthday with you on Sunday. The typical Joe you are showed us what the true meaning of courage is. You never complained about your pain and discomfort but tried the best you could to make sure we were all comfortable. You are a true fighter and our kids are so lucky to call you "Uncle Joe" You are such a lucky man to have Sherrie..we are so impressed with the love and courage she shows while you fight the good fight. May God's gift of love be yours forever....Happy Birthday, Joe. HUGS

  26. Baseball birthday....perfect!
    Always enjoyed playing next to you Joe. I knew if the ball got by me in the hole at 3rd that I had better duck because the chances were petty high that a long, strong throw was coming from shortstop. Likewise, if playing second, I had to be ready for a speeding bullet while on the run.
    The night Joe's knee problems began: Playing with the boys at Dawson in Tempe, Joe hit a ball off the fence. Motoring into 3rd, the stop sign went up. Joe ran right through it, head down, sprinting for home. Everyone rose to witness the ensuing bang bang collision. Joe didn't want to hurt the guy by bowling him over with a body block so he went in feet first with full intention of moving him back off the plate. In a cloud of dust and tangled bodies, SAFE was the call. Joe limped back to the dugout. When asked why he blew through the stop sign he simply replied, "I knew I could make it."
    Joe, you are a winner in oh so many ways!
    Happy Birthday

  27. Happy Birthday Joe ! Enjoy it all month ! Reading the posts from Ron and Mark brought back alot of memories. I remember back at Sacred Heart playing touch football and we dreamed when we would play at Paraclete. Some years later we both lived that dream especially you Joe because if my memory is correct you were chosen player of the year by the Valley Press in 1975. You were one tough tailback. Hard to believe almost 39 years since the Morro Bay game.

    God Bless Joe , Dan Kessler
