Joe's Game Plan has been set up to keep everyone informed on Joe's battle with cancer. We want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers. Check back often for updates and feel free to leave comments of love and support.

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Monday, April 30, 2012


We had quite a shock today when the doctor's released Joe from the hospital. They said he has done better than any patient ever has. I am not surprised. I don't know how he finds the strength and positive attitude to do what he does. With that, he wasn't quite well enough to make the drive home, so we graciously accepted the offer from Wayne and Rebecca to stay in their guest home. The home was built strictly to help those in need, and let me tell you, it is a healing home. Joe is doing so much better just from being in this home than he was for days in the hospital. It truly was a blessing for me to be able to stay here while Joe was in the hospital and for both of us to stay here upon Joe's release. I can't thank Wayne and Rebecca enough for their Christian Kindness! And a special thanks to the rest of the Tucson gang. They continued to offer help, assistance and friendship while we were here. What a great group of people - thank you all! Joe has a drainage tube and 40 staples in his abdomen. He has to keep them for another 2 weeks. We'll come back to Tucson and meet Dr. Ong and then back to the oncologist a few days later. Between the 2 doctor visits, we'll learn more about the next steps. Thank you all for your continued prayers. They are working and what got us all through this difficult week. All our love, Joe, Sherrie and family "In all things, God works for the good of those who love him." (Romans 8:28)


  1. I hope Joe will soon be eating all the old fashioned candy that he loves. Let me know when his stash is getting low... We are thinking and praying for all of you. The Scheiners

  2. Luke 18:27

    What is impossible with men, is possible with God.

    When I become weak, he makes me strong.

    Psalms 46:1,2

    God is our refuge and strength (mighty and impenetrable to temptation)
    a very present and well proved help in trouble. Therefore, we will not
    fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken
    into the midst of the seas.

    Psalms 57:1...

    ... Form my soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in you,
    yes, in the shadow of your wings will I take refuge and be confident
    until calamities and destructive storms are passed.

    Psalms 62:2

    He only is my rock and my salvation, my defense and my fortress; I
    shall not be greatly moved... my refuge is in God.

    From Gerry S
